The work of John Higgs

There are some writers whose treatment of a particular subject you can almost predict. That's not necessarily a bad thing. John Higgs, though, is not one of those writers. This warm, witty and endlessly interesting writer is described (accurately, for my money) on his website as someone who "specialises in finding previously unsuspected narratives, hidden … Continue reading The work of John Higgs

The Sandman – The Dreaming, Volume 1: Pathways and Emanations

Awkward. I try to be positive on this blog because goodness knows there's enough negativity around. But equally, I have to be honest. If you take it at face value this is a gripping, well-written comic with excellent artwork. Those of you who know The Sandman will delight in the return of characters such as … Continue reading The Sandman – The Dreaming, Volume 1: Pathways and Emanations